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Jiayuguan City Information

Jiayuguan Maps

OverviewJiayuguan city is located at 98°17' east longitude and 39°47' north latitude. It lies in the Gobi desert, at the middle of Hexi Corridor, 776 kilometers away from Lanzhou and 5-6 hours away by bus from Dunhuang.Jiayuguan Tourist MapsJiayuguan is rarely an important itinerary point fo...

How to get to & around Jiayuguan

OverviewJiayuguan City is located in the middle of Hexi Corridor, at the northwest part of Gansu Province. It is the main hub of the Silk Road and the western starting point of the Great Wall since ancient time. The transportation networks of airlines, railway, and highways in Jiayuguan have been es...

Jiayuguan Weather & Climate

OverviewJiayuguan City has a temperate continental desert climate with an average annual temperature of 6.7 ? - 7.7 ? and 8000 hours of sunshine. The annual average natural precipitation is 85.3 mm, and the evaporation is 2149 mm. The frost free period of the whole year is about 130 days. The climat...

Jiayuguan History

OverviewDubbed "No. 1 Strategic Pass in the World", Jiayuguan Pass is the starting point of a section of the Great Wall constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It was rebuilt, reinforced and garrisoned in 1539. In the Qing Dynasty (1636-1911), was an office for checking merchants and travel...

Jiayuguan Facts

OverviewJiayuguan is known as the 'mouth of China' because of its position at the end of the Great Wall of China where it guarded the western boundary of Ming Dynasty China. The narrow river passage heading southeast from here is known as the Hexi Corridor and is nicknamed the 'throat of...

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